
Not at all! I understand you can feel uncomfortable and vulnerable with someone you don’t know. I too kept my trousers on when I got my first massage. You may remove clothing only as far as you feel comfortable. If you are comfortable to undress to your underwear, that is fine.
I will leave the room while you're undressing and will provide large towels and cosy blankets to cover you during the massage. There are some massages such as our facial lift and bespoke facials that work well if you want to remain clothed and have your top off and a bra left on. If there’s anything you feel uncomfortable about please feel free to discuss this with me before your treatment. I’m only too happy to help in this area as I know how it feels to be nervous.
We all have parts of our body we're self-conscious about. This is nothing to be ashamed about and is totally ok and absolutely normal. Some areas a lot of people get concerned about may be things such as:
Your weight
Unwanted body hair
Acne or other skin blemishes
Please don't let this stop you from getting help from a massage therapist. If you're sensitive about a particular area, I will avoid this for you. Whatever your concerns, your comfort is my main priority. You are in a safe and judgement free zone with a very understanding and empathetic therapist here to help you feel good about yourself. And I do not care if you have hairy legs :)
Some people prefer to chat during their massage session but don't feel you have to make conversation if you prefer to enjoy the treatment in peace. You are more than welcome to talk about anything and everything with me, equally, if you just want to close your eyes and relax that is also totally fine with me.
However please do speak up if:
You're feeling hot or cold
You're in pain
You want a lighter/firmer pressure
You forgot to mention something important during the consultation
YES!! You don’t need to be in pain to get a massage! It isn’t limited to just pain relief, it’s also a wonderful self care treat to the soul that we could all do with a lot more regularly. Massage therapy is a great natural solution when you want relief from pain, but it can also be used as a preventive treatment too. Regularly having a massage can help balance you, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It isn’t just a massage, it’s a deeply relaxing moment that allows your body to heal.
Before your treatment begins we’ll sit down together and I’ll ask you to fill out a consultation form which helps me get to know you and find out about any current concerns or goals you want me to deal with. I'll then leave the room whilst you remove clothing and make yourself comfortable on the massage table – I’ll always knock and ask if you’re ready for me to come in and as soon as you are your treatment can commence. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.
Totally been there! I recommend going to the bathroom before your session, but it can occasionally happen that you'll need to go during the massage. I want you to be relaxed, so if you're focusing on holding it in, it’ll interfere with your experience. It’s no problem, just let me know and I’ll hand you your robe and show you to the bathroom which is just adjacent to the treatment room in the hallway.
New Client Consultations
For new clients, a complimentary 15 minute consultation will be carried out prior to your treatment.
If possible, please try to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment slot.
During this time we can discuss your current health, your short and long term goals from the treatment as well as any health concerns I should be made aware of.
This time together is invaluable and helps me get to know you and give you the best possible treatment. This is also a great time to let me know what pressure you prefer, if you have any areas you don’t want me to work on, or if there’s anything you feel nervous about and want to discuss.
If you are running late, not to worry, but please note our session may have to be adjusted to keep to my schedule and your full session fee will still apply.
When booking your treatment, please know this is a requested time slot only and I will get back to you as quickly as possible to confirm your booking.
A deposit of £20 is required with the remaining balance being paid once your treatment is over.
Cancellation Policy
Don’t worry, I understand things crop up and sometimes you can’t make appointments due to forces outside of your control. If for any reason you can’t make the session and need to reschedule, please kindly let me know at least 24 hours in advance before your treatment.
By doing this you allow plenty of time for me to offer the slot to someone else who may be in need of it. I greatly appreciate as much notice as possible. Unfortunately, if changes happen within less than 24 hours notice, a full session fee would still be applied.
Thank you so much for your understanding.