• Swedish Massage

    A blissful and relaxing style of massage to help you unwind and restore your health. A Swedish massage involves a range of soft strokes and a variety of techniques that help relax and promote healing to the body. It gently manipulates the muscles and joints to relieve stress and pain by relaxing tight muscles and promoting blood circulation.

    Unlike deep tissue massages, a relaxation massage does not address the connective tissue of the muscles. It is not intended to treat sports injuries or other discomfort and is instead used to reduce muscle tension while bringing the body back to a relaxed state. Many people seek relaxation massage treatments after a long week at work or to help improve their mental health.

    Swedish massage can also be beneficial to your heart and may help reduce the symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and headaches.

  • Back, Neck + Head Massage

    This 45 minute treatment focuses on the areas of the body that are the most common problem spots for most people.

    Swedish massage techniques are used to work into the muscle groups of the back, neck and shoulders with special attention given to any knots.

    We finish off the treatment with a beautiful scalp massage to completely alleviate any stresses and tension whilst boosting metabolism.

    Gentle lymphatic drainage techniques are used here also for optimum blood flow helping the body to rid itself of harmful toxins and restore a feeling of well being.

  • Natural Face Lift Massage

    Using natural techniques and jojoba facial oil, this face lift treatment helps stimulate and tone the muscles and skin of the face.

    The natural lifting and plumping techniques help to delay the signs of ageing and decrease the look of fine lines and wrinkles. An Ideal treatment for women who do not wish to go down the surgical route of Botox and prefer a natural approach to anti-ageing.

    Not suitable for women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • Bespoke Holistic Facial

    The ultimate self care treatment that will leave your skin barrier visibly rejuvenated and deeply restored.

    A holistic facial may include any or all of the following:

    Tone, steam, first cleanse, second cleanse, exfoliation, hydro jelly mask / nourishing face mask, targeted serum, moisturiser, facial spritz.

    Facial massage is also woven into this treatment with each skincare application. A very calming feeling.

    Cryo sticks and crystal mushrooms are also used over your face mask of choice to penetrate the product further into the epidermis.

    Once the mask of choice has been applied we enjoy a relaxing jade eye mask to help with puffiness and aid you to relax.

    We end the treatment with a relaxing Indian head massage and Jade crystal hair combs to melt all those tensions away and guide you into a state of deep rest and bliss.

  • Reiki Healing | Reiki + Chakra Balancing

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

    I offer a separate Reiki + Chakra healing treatment also where by Reiki healing is given whilst integrating crystal healing. I hand select crystals and place them on top of the body in alignment with each of the 7 chakras.

    These chakras, or energy centres, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system.

    These are known as the Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and lastly Crown.

    Please note a quartz crystal is always placed next to the crown and never directly onto it.

    Reiki is given to each chakra with the intention of restoring vitality and colour, cleansing and releasing any blockages that may be present. Once the chakras have been cleansed, I then check each chakra is restored to its full balance with the use of a pendulum. For the chakras that need an extra boost, a sound bowl is placed onto this chakra and struck 8 times to purify your subtle energy channel.

  • Dry Cupping Massage

    This therapeutic treatment begins with a gentle Swedish massage to the back followed by placing the silicone cups one by one on the skin.

    The cups are left on for several minutes in particular areas, then moved along the skin in areas that hold a lot of tension for you.

    This healing modality is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and has been used for nearly 2,000 years.

    Suction from cupping draws fluid into the treated area. This suction force expands and breaks open tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under your skin. Your body then works to replenish the cupped areas with healthier blood flow and stimulates proper and normal healing at a cellular level.

    Cupping can help with:

    Greater health and well-being, better flexibility, increased range of motion, better posture, Improved blood, lymph and QI (energy) flow, waste and toxin removal, improved circulation and boosted immune response.

    It is not a painful treatment and can be thought of as a reverse massage, whereby pressure is drawn out of the muscles rather than into like you would experience with a traditional massage.

  • Body Gua Sha

    A natural alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a crystal or wooden (or both) massage tools to improve your circulation.

    The skin is scraped with short or long strokes to stimulate micro-circulation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. These strokes are made with a smooth-edged instrument known as a gua massage tool.

    After massage oil has been applied to your skin, I then use the tool to repeatedly scrape your skin in a downward motion.

    The benefits of gua sha are vast:

    Nourishes the skin, helps headaches, menstrual pain, digestive problems, anxiety, insomnia, improves circulatory system, improves flow of Qi life force, stimulates lymphatic drainage, boosts the immune system, reduces stiffness improves flexibility, can aid with respiratory infections such as sinusitis and bronchitis.

    Body Gua Sha can be combined with Dry Cupping + Swedish Massage for a totally balancing treatment. Please enquire for Gua Sha to be used as a sole treatment without cupping and Swedish massage.

  • Face, Neck + Head Massage

    The face can hold so much tension and is a very common response to stress and having fast paced lives.

    This is a gorgeous treatment that connects face, body and mind all in one sitting.

    Targeted massage moves are woven into this beautiful treatment to help increase collagen production, boost hydration, release tension, improve blood flow and circulation, reduce wrinkles and enhance the overall feel of your skin as well as the mind.

    Drift away into a bliss like state as we end your treatment with a dreamy head massage accompanied by jade crystal gua sha hair combs to stimulate the scalp, improve hair growth and to ease away any of that last remaining tension you may be holding onto in your mind and soul.

  • Face Massage, Gua Sha Sculpting + Facial Cupping

    A treatment that focuses on facial resonance and skin health using gentle pressure to manipulate the skin and underlying tissues.

    This treatment starts with a facial massage using botanical facial oil. The massage techniques warm up the muscles of the face that can hold onto so much stored emotion and tension that we carry through our lives. This helps to improve blood circulation, alleviate puffiness and enhance the skin's elasticity.

    The gentle scraping motion of the Gua Sha is then woven into the treatment and can help stimulate the lymphatic system of the face and neck, remove excess fluids and flush out toxins from the tissues. It improves circulation, can help soften wrinkles and fine lines and also act as a moment to practice mindfulness and gratitude as the flow of movements have a very calming quality about them.

    Facial cupping is also integrated into this treatment to refine and help you glow.

    I prefer to work with the smallest of facial cupping cups so as to not hinder the cupping process and damage the skins capillaries.

    Cupping therapy can be beneficial to help strengthen skin tissue, stimulate collagen production, regulate oil production, improve nutrient absorption from skincare, help tone, reduce puffiness and amongst all of this is also feels really lovely to receive.




  • Not at all! I understand you can feel uncomfortable and vulnerable with someone you don’t know. I too kept my trousers on when I got my first massage. You may remove clothing only as far as you feel comfortable. If you are comfortable to undress to your underwear, that is fine.

    I will leave the room while you're undressing and will provide large towels and cosy blankets to cover you during the massage. There are some massages such as our facial lift and bespoke facials that work well if you want to remain clothed and have your top off and a bra left on. If there’s anything you feel uncomfortable about please feel free to discuss this with me before your treatment. I’m only too happy to help in this area as I know how it feels to be nervous.

  • We all have parts of our body we're self-conscious about. This is nothing to be ashamed about and is totally ok and absolutely normal. Some areas a lot of people get concerned about may be things such as:

    Your weight

    Unwanted body hair


    Acne or other skin blemishes

    Please don't let this stop you from getting help from a massage therapist. If you're sensitive about a particular area, I will avoid this for you. Whatever your concerns, your comfort is my main priority. You are in a safe and judgement free zone with a very understanding and empathetic therapist here to help you feel good about yourself. And I do not care if you have hairy legs :)

  • Some people prefer to chat during their massage session but don't feel you have to make conversation if you prefer to enjoy the treatment in peace. You are more than welcome to talk about anything and everything with me, equally, if you just want to close your eyes and relax that is also totally fine with me.

    However please do speak up if:

    You're feeling hot or cold

    You're in pain

    You want a lighter/firmer pressure

    You forgot to mention something important during the consultation

  • YES!! You don’t need to be in pain to get a massage! It isn’t limited to just pain relief, it’s also a wonderful self care treat to the soul that we could all do with a lot more regularly. Massage therapy is a great natural solution when you want relief from pain, but it can also be used as a preventive treatment too. Regularly having a massage can help balance you, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It isn’t just a massage, it’s a deeply relaxing moment that allows your body to heal.

  • Before your treatment begins we’ll sit down together and I’ll ask you to fill out a consultation form which helps me get to know you and find out about any current concerns or goals you want me to deal with. I'll then leave the room whilst you remove clothing and make yourself comfortable on the massage table – I’ll always knock and ask if you’re ready for me to come in and as soon as you are your treatment can commence. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

  • Totally been there! I recommend going to the bathroom before your session, but it can occasionally happen that you'll need to go during the massage. I want you to be relaxed, so if you're focusing on holding it in, it’ll interfere with your experience. It’s no problem, just let me know and I’ll hand you your robe and show you to the bathroom which is just adjacent to the treatment room in the hallway.


New Client Consultations

For new clients, a complimentary 15 minute consultation will be carried out prior to your treatment.

If possible, please try to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment slot.

During this time we can discuss your current health, your short and long term goals from the treatment as well as any health concerns I should be made aware of.

This time together is invaluable and helps me get to know you and give you the best possible treatment. This is also a great time to let me know what pressure you prefer, if you have any areas you don’t want me to work on, or if there’s anything you feel nervous about and want to discuss.

If you are running late, not to worry, but please note our session may have to be adjusted to keep to my schedule and your full session fee will still apply.

When booking your treatment, please know this is a requested time slot only and I will get back to you as quickly as possible to confirm your booking.

A deposit of £20 is required with the remaining balance being paid once your treatment is over.

Cancellation Policy

Don’t worry, I understand things crop up and sometimes you can’t make appointments due to forces outside of your control. If for any reason you can’t make the session and need to reschedule, please kindly let me know at least 24 hours in advance before your treatment.

By doing this you allow plenty of time for me to offer the slot to someone else who may be in need of it. I greatly appreciate as much notice as possible. Unfortunately, if changes happen within less than 24 hours notice, a full session fee would still be applied.

Thank you so much for your understanding.